In this live session, we explore the realm of space exploration narratives and closely examine the roles played by notable astronauts in the context of space industry promotion.

Astronauts Don Pettit and Mike Massimino, both recognized figures within NASA, conduct interviews with fellow astronauts John Marshburn and Chris Hadfield, offering valuable insights into their experiences and perspectives.

Our analysis delves into the second interview, “Inside the ISS” hosted by Mike Massimino, focusing on narratives related to spacecraft take-offs. We also explore the “Overview Effect,” a concept that grants astronauts a unique form of cultural capital within the narratives of space exploration.

Throughout the session, we reference various materials, including animations of China’s Change’e-5 lunar landing, images of Jupiter captured by the Voyager probes, insights from the SciArt Exchange, and the film “Surrogates” (2009) starring Bruce Willis.

Join us as we navigate the intricacies of space exploration narratives, shedding light on the influential Overview Effect and exploring the multifaceted world of cosmic storytelling within the colonial cosmological paradigm.

Rodrigo Ferrari Nunes

Rodrigo Ferrari-Nunes, Ph.D, is a social and cultural anthropologist, independent consultant, music producer, composer, multi-instrumentalist, artist, public intellectual and communicator.

There are 2 comments on this post
  1. flatswiss
    August 25, 2021, 3:01 am

    you are an amazing being, I thoroughly enjoy your expertise in space forensics and so happy to have found your work…
    All the best to you and your loved ones, Michael

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