In our recent presentation, we analyzed the space exploration stories, and developed a new theme: “Framing Nature and Colonial Cosmology.”

Let’s reflect on the insights we uncovered, questioning the authenticity of the allegedly scientific version of the Earth and scrutinizing the widespread belief on space exploration.

We began by directing your attention to the captivating imagery of Earth seen from space. Often overlooked, these images conceal motives and power dynamics that may not be immediately apparent.

I introduced the concept of a “colonial cosmology,” to consider whether there’s more to these visuals than meets the eye.

This concept points to the obvious manipulation of information and colonial agenda that lurks beneath a flimsy scientific façade in the mysterious realm of cosmology.

Our discussion led us to analyze the authenticity of what we’ve been presented with. We examined the authenticity of images and videos of Earth from space. We examined some of the inconsistencies and contradictions present within these representations.

I encouraged everyone to engage in critical thinking about the technical aspects and potential manipulations behind these visuals. It’s important to acknowledge that most people lack the technical knowledge to verify and analyze such media.

We discussed how society has been repeatedly exposed to absurd ideas and images through media, leading to the acceptance of impossible concepts. In space, of course, as the slogan goes, the impossible becomes possible.

The recurring space believer slogan: “making the impossible possible” has been used historically, by figures such as Neil Armstrong and Elon Musk. The term “impossible” implies something unattainable, making its transformation into reality inherently illogical. We considered the manipulation of information and the use of leaps of logic by space agencies.

Jeff Bezos’ aspiration for accessible space tourism and Richard Branson’s ambitions to redefine commercial spaceflight are full of blunders and logical holes, telltale signs of pre-production, the use of computer graphics, and more. Bezos and Branson’s space programs, which pose as independent, but depend on government grants,
are examples of colonial cosmology propaganda. They are easily shown to be studio productions that employ green screens, simulators, and so-called Zero-G or parabolic flight planes.

Media, science fiction, and cultural influences play a pivotal role in making the impossible possible in the believer’s mind. This perpetuates the nonsensical colonial cosmology, to the detriment of every indigenous cosmological system that ever existed in the known history of the world.

I encouraged everyone to question the motives behind space tourism and other space-related initiatives. It’s crucial to analyze such narratives and to cultivate critical analysis. We even discussed experimenting with AI language models to dissect and analyze these narratives.

Concluding our journey, I left you with a call to action—to question official narratives and to remain vigilant against misinformation. I hinted at the possibility of diversion tactics, such as alien-related topics, being used to shift our focus away from more significant issues, such as the true nature of Earth, and the senseless embargo on this knowledge, going back to the Antarctic Treaty.

Rodrigo Ferrari Nunes

Rodrigo Ferrari-Nunes, Ph.D, is a social and cultural anthropologist, independent consultant, music producer, composer, multi-instrumentalist, artist, public intellectual and communicator.

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